RG Naturfotographie

Birds of the Red List of Threatend Species

The individual lists differ - species that are endangered in one federal state may not be endangered in another. For this reason, I will limit my presentation here to the lists of Baden-Württemberg and the complete list of Germany, i.e. birds shown here are on at least one of the two lists. However, the respective photographs may also have been taken in other federal states or in Switzerland. Birds on the early warning list or species that only occur in very limited regions, such as purple herons or bee-eaters, are not included.

Even if birds are extinct in a federal state, they may still be found there. One example of this is the bittern, which is extinct as a breeding bird in Baden-Württemberg, but winters in some places in the state.

In Germany, 88 bird species are on the 2020 list, with a further 12 on the early warning list. Baden-Württemberg's latest list dates back to 2019, with "only" 76 species on the Red List, but 25 on the early warning list. This includes species such as the tree sparrow, black-headed gull, mallard, pochard and kestrel...

On this page you'll find the birds of the Red List of Germany. For birds of the Red List of Baden-Württemberg I've created a special page.

Please forgive me if not every picture is of the best quality. Some species are rare and I am happy if I get a presentable picture at all.


NameName (scientific)
Atlantic puffinFratercula arctica
European rollerCoracias garrulus
Eurasian dotterelCharadrius morinellus
Eurasian griffon vultureGyps fulvus
Great snipeGallinago media
Lesser grey shrikeLanius minor
Little bustardTetrax tetrax
Northern bald ibisGeronticus eremita
Red-legged partridgeAlectoris rufa
Roseate ternSterna dougallii
Rock sparrowPetronia petronia
Ruddy turnstoneArenaria interpres
Saker falconFalco cherrug
Short-toed snake eagleCircaetus gallicus

Critically endangered

NameName (scientific)
Aquatic warblerAcrocephalus paludicola
Barred warblerSylvia nisoria
Arctic ternSterna paradisaea
Black-tailed godwitLimosa limosa
Caspian ternHydroprogne caspia
Common snipeGallinago gallinago
Common ringed ploverCharadrius hiaticula
Common rock thrushMonticola saxatilis
Corn crakeCrex crex
Crested larkGalerida cristata
DunlinCalidris alpina
Eurasian penduline titRemiz pendulinus
European golden ploverPluvialis apricaria
Eurasian curlewNumenius arquata
Eurasian stone-curlewBurhinus oedicnemu
Ferruginous duckAythya nyroca
GarganeySpatula querquedula
Great bustardOtis tarda
Great grey shrikeLanius excubitor
Gull-billed ternGelochelidon nilotica
Hen harrierCircus cyaneus
Kentish ploverCharadrius alexandrinus
Lesser spotted eagleClanga pomarina
Little ternSternula albifrons
Northern wheatearOenanthe oenanthe
Rock buntingEmberiza cia
RuffCalidris pugnax
Sandwich ternThalasseus sandvicensis
Short-eared owlAsio flammeus
Tawny pipitAnthus campestris
Wood sandpiperTringa glareola
Woodchat shrikeLanius senator
Western capercaillieTetrao urogallus


NameName (scientific)
Black-crowned night heronNycticorax nycticorax
Black grouseLyrurus tetrix
Black-legged kittiwakeRissa tridactyla
Common grasshopper warblerLocustella naevia
Common sandpiperActitis hypoleucos
Common redshankTringa totanus
Common ternSterna hirundo
Grey partridgePerdix perdix
European turtle doveStreptopelia turtur
Grey-headed woodpeckerPicus canus
Hazel grouseTetrastes bonasia
Meadow pipitAnthus pratensis
Montagu's harrierCircus pygargus
Northern lapwingVanellus vanellus
Northern pintailAnas acuta
Ortolan buntingEmberiza hortulana
WhinchatSaxicola rubetra
White-backed woodpeckerDendrocopos leucotos


NameName (scientific)
Black ternChlidonias niger
Black-necked grebePodiceps nigricollis
Cirl buntingEmberiza cirlus
Citril finchCarduelis citrinella
Collared flycatcherFicedula albicollis
Common linnetLinaria cannabina
Common merganserMergus merganser
Common CuckooCuculus canorus
Eurasian bitternBotaurus stellaris
Eurasian hobbyFalco subbuteo
Eurasian hoopoeUpupa epops
Eurasian skylarkAlauda arvensis
Eurasian tealAnas crecca
Eurasian wryneckJynx torquilla
European nightjarCaprimulgus europaeus
European pied flycatcherFicedula hypoleuca
Lesser spotted woodpeckerDryobates minor
Little bitternIxobrychus minutus
Little crakePorzana parva
Northern shovelerSpatula clypeata
OspreyPandion haliaetus
Spotted crakePorzana porzana
StarlingSturnus vulgaris
Western house martinDelichon urbicum

Regional restricted (Extrem rare)

NameName (scientific)
Alpine accentorPrunella collaris
Alpine choughPyrrhocorax graculus
Baillon's crakePorzana pusilla
Common murreUria aalge
Eurasian spoonbillPlatalea leucorodia
Eurasian wigeonMareca penelope
Golden eagleAquila chrysaetos
Great egretArdea alba
Greater scaupAythya marila
Greenish warblerPhylloscopus trochiloides
Horned grebePodiceps auritus
Little gullHydrocoloeus minutus
Northern fulmarFulmarus glacialis
Northern gannetMorus bassanus
Purple heronArdea purpurea
RazorbillAlca torda
Rock partridgeAlectoris graeca
Rock ptarmiganLagopus muta
Ural owlStrix uralensis
WallcreeperTichodroma muraria
Whiskered ternChlidonias hybrida
White-winged snowfinchMontifringilla nivalis
White-winged ternChlidonias leucopterus

Near threatened

NameName (scientific)
Barn swallowHirundo rustica
Common moorhenGallinula chloropus
Common pochardAythya ferina
Common quailCoturnix coturnix
Common rosefinchCarpodacus erythrinus
Corn buntingEmberiza calandra
Eurasian golden orioleOriolus oriolus
Eurasian woodcockScolopax rusticola
European herring gullLarus argentatus
European honey buzzardPernis apivorus
Pied avocetRecurvirostra avosetta
Little owlAthene noctua
Little ringed ploverCharadrius dubius
Spotted flycatcherMuscicapa striata
Thrush nightingaleLuscinia luscinia
Tree pipitAnthus trivialis
Tree sparrowPasser montanus
Water railRallus aquaticus
White storkCiconia ciconia
WoodlarkLullula arborea