RG Naturfotographie

Wellcome to RG Naturfotography

"Nature photography" is a generic term that summarises various areas: Landscape photography, animal photography and the photography of plants (and fungi). It also includes the photography of weather phenomena such as clouds or sunsets.

Zur Naturfotografie gehört auch die Beschäftigung mit der jeweiligen Motivgruppe, besonders bei Fotografen, die sich mit Tieren und Pflanzen beschäftigen. Dort stellen sich Fragen nach Vorkommen und Verbreitung, bei Tieren auch nach dem Verhalten.

In addition to the question of the motif for the shot, other questions also arise, namely how to best and most beautifully depict the motif - the artistic side. Whereby nature is not only beautiful, but can also be cruel.


Nature photography is a hobby for me. It offers me a balance to my work as a design engineer. I specialise in photographing animals, especially birds and insects such as dragonflies, butterflies and grasshoppers. But I also take landscape and plant photos.

Finally, a request: Please do not download images and pass them off as your own.

If you are interested in a photo, please contact me.